Cannibalism is a disturbing subject. Perhaps, some would argue, one the last truly taboo subjects. For the past few years I've fantasized about eating human flesh. It's not a strong urge, nothing I would sincerely try to accomplish, just a strong curiosity. What do we TASTE like!? I'm haunted by that question. NOW...I just read an interview that made me completely re-evaluate how I feel about that question, and I'm going to share it with all of you, but I need to issue a warning first.
The interview is with a man Issei Sagawa. This guy actually killed and ate someone.
Japan! Land of the sushi, home of the tentacle porn. Japan seems to be a strange mixture of the modern and the traditional. There are certain "rules" about dating, eating, talking with elders and all sorts of stuff. And on the other side you have some of the craziest movies, music, pornography, etc etc. Japan seems to house a society of people who are somewhat bound by customs, and get relief by having really weird interests and hobbies.
I'm not exactly sure how I found out about Kancho, but when I did, I knew that A) more research was required and B) I needed to share all my findings with all of you wonderful people out there. Kancho is what's happening in this photo:
I will quote Wikipedia to explain:
Kancho is an act often played out in Japan; it is performed by clasping the hands together so the index fingers are pointing out and attempting to insert them sharply into someone's anal region when the victim is not looking.[2] It is similar to the wedgie or a goosing, although the latter acts do not involve direct intimate physical contact. A Kancho is often executed simultaneously as the offending party expresses loudly "Kan-CHO!"
Well. There are weird customs and gestures in every country ("noogies" anyone?), but this is pretty strange. I've heard of "goosing" which is when someone grabs someone else's butt surprisingly/aggressively. That's all in good fun, but hopefully everyone knows to only"goose someone they are very sure will not mind. I would've thought the same would be for the act of kancho, however as I continued by investigation, I was led to which is dedicated to it. There were some testimonials from people. A sample:
When I first started teaching in elementary school, I was very surprised to see some students kancho each other on the playground. At first they kept a little distance from me, I guess because they were afraid. But after the first few lessons together, the students really warmed up to me, and always wanted to shake my hand after class, or anytime they saw me. It wasn't long after that, when students started setting their kancho sites on me. Now I get kanchoed weekly if not daily. - Brian 23, Hokkaido
Now, all right, this may seem super weird to me, but I'm just a dumb foreigner. Let the people of the great country of Japan do whatever sorts of customs they want! That's how I would feel if someone tried to stop me from giving high-fives or something. But then I read this:
Foreign teachers in Japan are often the target of Kancho. This is partly due to their celebrity status in schools, as many kids want to be the one who Kanchoed the English teacher.
See, this is where I kind of draw the line. Former guest of the We're Friends! podcast D'Arcy Sarnelle teaches in Japan. Has she been Kancho'd?! If so, what do you do?! DO YOU KANCHO THE CHILD BACK?! IF YOU DID THAT HERE IN AMERICA YOU'D BE STONED TO DEATH.
Also, that's like making someone pray with you before a sports game. Shoving your customs/beliefs onto someone else who may find it totally weird and possibly offensive. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE CUSTOM IS SHOVING YOUR FINGERS IN SOMEONE'S BUTT.
"(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone" - Minor Threat "Stunnas On (Remix)" - Starski feat. The Cool Kids "Star-Crossed" - Arcturus "The Hindenberg Disaster" - The Two Man Gentlemen Band
And here is a video of Mike Birbiglia and Eddie Izzard talking at the show James was at! Make sure to listen to Kevin Spacey's "Fuck off!":
Hey everybody, how're you guys doing out there? Good? I hope so. So let me ask you a question, when you are trying to decide what movie to watch, do you stray away from and gravitate towards ones that you KNOW are gonna make you sad? You know, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Million Dollar Baby, Schindler's List, etc etc.
For me, I like seeing a movie that makes me weep like a child without a lollipop. So if you're like me, I ask you to check this animated short out by David OReilly. I really love interesting animation, and this definitely fits the bill. There's a sequence that had my jaw drop and stay open for like 30 seconds. It's called "Please Say Something" and here's some info about it:
A troubled relationship between a Cat and Mouse set in the distant Future. Winner of the Golden Bear for best short film at the 2009 Berlinale.
Written, Directed & Produced by David OReilly, Sound design & Voice synthesis by David Kamp, Sound design & Music by Bram Meindersma. Distributed by Future Shorts.
It didn't make me cry, but it moved me for sure. There's just something so genuine about this short. In any case, everyone should see it because I think that our ability to feel, in terms of emotions, is something we should cherish and relish in as much as we can.
Do you guys get astounded often by supposedly mundane things? Like, for instance, I'm completely baffled by wind. And then there's solar wind which apparently isn't even wind at all! Then there's gravity, the fact that out bodies heal themselves and electricity in general! All this shit is crazy and awesome!
Well how about our senses huh? My friend Eric sent me this link and it's totally fun and great. So grab a pair of headphones, close your eyes and get ready to grin!
Here is Episode 10 (Teen Stars) of What's Cool and What's Not Cool by Cullen aka "Big C-Man". Make sure to check out all of the episodes by clicking THIS.
And here is a picture of the "Duchess" potato dish:
Björk - "Isobel"
Part Chimp - "30,000,000,000 People"
The Peasall Sisters - "In The Highways" (From the "O Brother, Where Art Thou" OST)
So, when I go to shows, I usually tweet about my experience there. The crowd, the bands, the whole shebang. I try to be humorous and the other half of We're Friends! seems to think I accomplish that most of the time. He suggested that I post my tweets about the show here on the blog. So why not. The order of tweets goes chronologically from top to bottom.
-At the Stone Pony for Divinity Destroyed headlining gig. Missed the first band.
-Band playing now, "Beyond Visible", sounds like Nickelback trying to be metal.
-Lead singers playing air guitar on stage: Y/N
-Lead guitarist has a tribal tattoo! This is the best band ever.
-Vocalist is wearing a button-down shirt, tie and leather jacket. Bottom of tie is poking out of jacket. Somehow it's both cute and douchy.
-Talking to Jim, bassist of DD, was difficult because there were two weaboos trying to interrupt as often as they could.
-Band on now, "Exit She Calls", is pop-punk/indie. Very cute and earnest.
-Band on now is named Kreagan and gets the most metal name on the bill award.
-They're like Judas Priest mixed with Megadeth but more hard rock than metal.
-End of an Era is on now. Just really shitty butt metal with synths.
-My god, the bassist's neckbeard is like a foot long and has the consistency of the hair on his head.
-Drummer is wearing a "blood" splattered, sleeveless shirt with an extremely loosened tie.
-Just heard lyric: "she cuts herself..."
-And Divinity was great like they always are.
So there you have it. If this sucks or is awesome, email us at:
Last night I saw a Mexican film called TimeCrimes. I can't recommend strongly enough that you watch it too.
It's a time travel movie, but on a very small scale...I really can't give too much away.
What I will say is that this movie is incredibly's a thriller, but it understands the humor of its plot device and lets that shine through at the right moments. I was reminded of the first time I saw Memento while watching this. Just that feeling of sheer joy and thinking "holy crap...this is amazing...this is bonkers...somebody thought of this and now they're sharing it with me..." almost every second.
I can't tell everybody enough to watch this the very least, get it under your belt before the American remake comes out...because even if it's great I can't imagine the new director capturing the sense of fun that the original filmmaker brought to this weird, crazy, new idea.
Episode 15 is here! That's some sort of landmark right? Our podcast is getting erections in math class now! Aww, it seemed just like yesterday that it was puking all over us.
Hello everybody! I've decided that you all enjoyed that post I wrote about Mastodon SO MUCH, that you were clamoring for more posts about metal bands! Is any of this true? It's IRRELEVANT. Besides, in my head, every person in the world (including the deaf!) loves metal! So this gonna be like my webcomic posts, in the sense that I'll write another one eventually. So today I'm gonna talk to you about the great Canadian metal band Strapping Young Lad.
This band was started by a man named Devin Townsend, who I am a HUGE fan of. He does music under his name which is more prog-rock and incredible. Anyway, the first SYL album was called Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing and was written/performed entirely by Townsend with the help of a drum machine and a few session musicians. It contains the epic song "S.Y.L." which has these lyrics:
These lyrics are pretty representative of SYL lyrics and the tone of of the band overall. Fierce, blunt and in your face. Townsend recruited some permanent members after Heavy. They are: Jed Simon (guitars), Byron Stroud (bass) and Gene Hoglan (drums). Hoglan is pretty famous in the metal world, having drummed for Testamant, Dark Angel and the incomparable Death.
I got to meet SYL and two things of note occured. First, I told Devin how much SYL and his music meant to me, to which he cordially replied "Thank you". I look at him straight in the eyes and say, "No! Thank YOU." and walk away. Also, when I met Gene, I noticed he smelled very good.
SYL's music is usually described as "extreme" and they definitely deserve that adjective. Devin's screams range from the guttural to the high-pitched and his lyrics are like a brick in the face. Hoglan's drums are ridiculous, he's known as the "Atomic clock". His beats are precise and brutal, like a machine that hates you.
In terms of genre, many people call them "industrial-metal", but eh. When I hear that, I think ...And Oceans, Rammstein...later Danzig, yuck. SYL uses synth all the time, for sure, but this is not music you can dance to. This is music to CRUSH to.
So, if you're looking for a metal band with the speed and aggression of grind, but with the songwriting sensibilities of thrash and with a dash of humor, Strapping Young Lad is the band for you. Here is their song, "All Hail the New Flesh":
The Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project is some amazing project going down at the Santa Barbara University of California. What's it all about? Converting old-timey music from wax cylinders to mp3s and putting them on computers!
Check out the site, browse about, there are hundreds of amazing relics from our musical and comedy past. I've included a few in this post. Some of my favorites are the incredibly off-color songs about the Irish...there appeared to be an Irish character named Flanagan that caught most of the flack.