Monday, June 29, 2009

Episode 27: Double G, Melons, Pop

Heeeeeeey everybody! 27 is here and it's not going ANYWHERE. So just deal with all right?! Maybe you could listen to it as well. That'd be nice.


We talk about:

Dash making unintentional sexual innuendos!
James' new nickname!
Two dead musicians!

Songs discussed:
(NOTE: We got a song suggestion by a listener, so for our second song of the week we picked one NEITHER of us had heard before. Neat!)

Sooner or Later by N.E.R.D. - Listener Cullen's (AKA Big C-Man) choice
Blue Horse by BlueBob (David Lynch and John Neff) - We're Friends! choice

Click the song title links to listen to the songs and the band name links to learn all about the bands!

...and Oceans - "Angelina: Chthonian Earth: Her Face Forms Worms"
Bo Diddley - "Bo Diddley"
Liars - "Let's Not Wrestle Mt. Heart Attack"
Jackson 5 - "I Want You Back"

Stuff we want to hear from YOU:

Doggy stories!
Grocery store stories!
Anything ever!
AN ANSWER TO OUR CONTEST! (Click to find out all the details!)

Here is the video of GG Allin on Jerry Springer:

As always, we welcome and would love you to email us about anything! So hit us at

-Your friends

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mr. W

When I was in film school (insert pretentious "MMMMMMM" sound here), I got a chance to make a "test" commercial for Mountain Dew. That is, a fake one. And Dash starred in it. I really enjoyed creating essentially a short film that A) is exactly 30 seconds long, B) is interesting and unique and C) sells the product. I think you can become a lot more focused on a goal if limits are set. It went well, and I'm pretty proud of it. Whenever I upload it, I'll make sure to show it here.

Does anyone have any favorite commercials? I really dig Burger King's stuff with the "King" and Skittles commercials recently. One commercial has blown my mind away though. Dash showed it to me yesterday and it's just incredible. I won't even get into it, just keep watching and enjoy:



Now playing: Daft Punk - Encore - Human After All / Together - Together / One More Time (reprise) / Stardust - Music Sounds Better with You

The Top Five Worst States in North America.

North America is a pretty wonderful country. Full of rich topography and other stuff. However, there are a few stains. A few places that will eternally ensure that this great nation fails to rise as a progressive force. Readers, I present to you, the five worst states in North America. You may note that only one of these states is not on the east coast. I suppose that's because the mighty eastern seaboard has had longer time to fester. More time to flourish, but, ultimately, some of these states have gone unchecked for far too long.

5. Rhode Island
This is a random picture of any street in Rhode Island. EVERY street in Rhode Island looks like this. Nightmare level red brick on top of a 118-degree angle. Partially melted ice cream cones littering the streets. Children are not allowed to eat ice cream in Rhode Island. They're allowed to buy it, but they can only hold and look at it for about three minutes. Then it gets tossed and the child has to go back to work...underneath the Rhode Island School of Design.

4. Delaware
The First State. Look, a lot of things that claim to be first are are assholes and horrible. Delaware cut to the front of the United States, gave the teacher a foot rub, and pantsed Maryland. Eeeeeverybody thought it was hysterical, but Delaware has yet to move on from that one moment of glory. Sitting under a perpetually "apocolypse-tinged" sky, with a middle school education and a six pack full of crab beer, Delaware is the kind of self-loathing that only a mother can throw out of the house at age thirty-one.

3. Maine
Tom Jane will murder your family. Tim Curry will murder your children. Why would anyone live here?

2. Hawaii
Hawaii will eat you. This is a place where children and pigs ingest meth on a regular basis and everything is about to be on fire. Hey! Wanna get leiiiied?! Wanna get LEIIIIIID?!! WANNA GET LEIIIIIIIIIIID!!!?!????!!

1. Florida
Florida is rot. Slowly destroying North America from the ground up. Humidity, murder, drugs, almost every episode of COPS, disney world, dinosaurs, oldsters, spring break, kidnapping. I cannot imagine a worse place to live. I cannot think of a worse representation of this country. You will literally disappear if you spend more than three weeks in this state. All of your teeth will fall out. The rain will change your clothing into a tattered floral print shirt and tiny Umbro shorts. You will not be able to find good bread anywhere.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Episode 26: Shannon, Evan, Vitamins

So this is our half-year mark thing sort of. Because, you see, there are 52 weeks in a year, and 1/2 of 52 is 26. Now you get it! MATH. Along with that milestone comes 2 great guests, Evan Madden and Shannon Ward. Also their cat, Vitamins.


We talk about:

James and Dash dancing together in a crowd!
Evan and Shannon being record label execs!
Dave Matthews Band!

Songs discussed:

Untitled by Monolith - James' choice (Click Untitled on the player)
Mudzimu Ndiringe by Hallelujah Chicken Run Band - Dash's choice

Click the song title links to listen to the songs and the band name links to learn all about the bands!


Klaus Nomi - "You Don't Own Me"
Hot Hot Heat - "Bandages"
Baroness - "Cockroach En Fleur"
Uffie - "Brand New Car"

Here are a few links regarding our guests:

Email them at:
Their Blog

So, Evan and Shannon want to know how badly you want to achieve your goal and/or passion. What do you do to reach what you love? This can be anything from cooking to living within nature to music. There are no limits in terms of words or essays, if you can do it well in one line or 10 pages, go for it. This contest will go on till the end of July.

If you win you get the ANTHROPIC RECORDS PRIZE PACK! This include 4 discs:

-Cloud Minder's album "The Territory of this Contract is the Universe" (Post-rock, shoegaze greatness)
-Anthrosphere Volume 1: 6 songs from 6 Philly metal bands (Heavy, sludgy, doomy, etc).
-The Green Evening Requiem's self-titled cd (Amazing, changed James' life)
-Gentlemen Christ's album "PVC Cross" (We haven't listened to it, but it's probably good stuff)

Send all entries to our emails. And as always, we welcome and would love you to email us about anything! So hit us at

A picture of the hosts and guests:

From L-R - Dash, Evan, Shannon, Vitamins, James.

-Your Friends

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kissing, A Poetic Guide

So I'm a chronic e-bookmarker. If I see something interesting, hilarious, weird, cool, or any other adjective online, I bookmark it. I mainly do this for the days when I'm on the internet and have seen everything there is to see (or for the We're Friends! blog). Oh I know, you say that there is so much out there that I haven't seen. Well, why don't you just go swim in a ditch full of butts. That's what I say.

So when those days inevitably come, I have a ton of stuff I can look at that I've saved. It's like watching a movie you love/have seen before or visiting the relatives that you like. Old-standbys you know?

There's just one thing, when I bookmark stuff, I don't remember how I found out about it later. It's just...there. And now with Twitter, there's like a bajillion cool links every five minutes. Ah well, C'est la intertubes.

So here's one of those things, a wonderful poem called "How to Kiss" by Rick Lupert. Not only is is justa great poem, but it's funny! Yeah, it's possible, people do it all the time! It isn't just 16 year-olds with minor family problems who write poetry. I have this website bookmarked with the poem, but after a bit of searching have also found his personal site. Anyhow, here it is, enjoy:


Locate someone other than yourself.
Make sure they have lips.

Find out if the person you've located is agreeable to kissing.
You can do this any way you want, except for asking.

Make sure you have your lips with you.
Nothing is more embarrassing than moving to kiss someone
and realizing you've left your lips at home or in the car.
Unless you happen to be in the car,
where you can slyly move to adjust the radio,
slapping on your lips during the confusion.

Tell the person their eyes make you want to do gymnastics,
or at least be present where gymnastics are being done.

Touch the hand.
Any Hand.
Not your own hand.

Lean your head forward at a slight angle (such as fifteen degrees)
so your foreheads will connect first
as if you're attempting a Vulcan mind meld.
If your minds actually begin to meld MILK IT.

Slowly re-angle your head so your lips become parallel with his or hers.
Practice this ahead of time using a protractor.

Allow your lips to make contact with the other lips
Remain completely still for twenty-eight minutes
or until you hear an electronic beeping
indicating it is time to move to step nine.
This time may vary depending on political climate
and lip gloss.

Repeat steps five through eight.

Clear your head
so the only thing you can focus on
is a PBS special on the clitoris.

Begin moving your lips in a slow up and down fashion,
varying with left and right motions every fifteen seconds.

Force your tongue through your subject's lips and teeth.
Fight past their tongue.
Charge forward until you reach the uvula.
Kissing is just an intimate game of Capture the Uvula.

Abandon all tenderness
with reckless nibbling
of anything fleshy you encounter.

You are now kissing.

Imagine life as a Frenchman."


Now playing: The Postman Syndrome - Interpretive Decorating: Chapter X

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Immersion" sounds like a John Coltrane song.

Ohhhhh's a big day for me. Because, before today, I was not aware of Robbie Cooper. Mr. Cooper is a video artist, currently working on a series called "Immersion".

"Immersion is a project that records video of people “through the screen” as they play games, use the internet
and watch TV. Using the Facial Action Coding System, developed by Paul Ekman, we’ll be analysing the
reactions of teenagers to war in video games, movies, news footage, documentaries and online video. Outside of
this study we’re also filming people consuming a range of media- everything from the shopping channel, porn,
sports, to programming created for babies."

So, yeah, watching people watching things. I'm FASCINATED. Below is the video for "Immersion: Porn". It's awesome.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Delicious? Healthy? Super weird?

I've talked about how much I enjoy food before. I like eating it of course, but also cooking it, watching shows about it or reading about food. And I really enjoy lists too. So when I found this great link, well I just had to share it with all of you.

It's "School meals from around the world". and hopefully you can gather what it is. It's pretty neat seeing what other governments are providing for their children food-wise. Here's a sample picture from China to whet your appetite:



Now playing: Mindflayer - Everyone Dies (Part 2)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Episode 25: Live, Live, Live

Well. Would you just look at that. Our 25th episode. Can you believe we've come this far folks? Who would've thought that two buds talking about comics, food and music would have the thousands of listeners we do now. And I said thousands because each one of you wonderful people who download our episodes counts as a thousand people each.


We talk about:

Us doing our first ever open-mic as We're Friends!
How Italian stereotypes make for amazing television!
Dash's weird limb movements!
James' expertise on concert faux pas!

Songs discussed:

Lorelei by Cocteau Twins - Dash's choice
Everything Invaded by Moonspell - James' choice

Click the song title links to listen to the songs and the band name links to learn all about the bands!

Music: Zozobra - "The Blessing"
David Sitek - "With A Girl Like You"
facundo - "robotdeath"
No Age - "Eraser"

Stuff we want to hear from YOU:

Open mic stories!
Concert stories!
Dad/food/Supermarket stories!

Here are some pictures from the open mic:

The bar/restaraunt.

The inside, you see the lack of windows.

A picture we took mid-"performance".

As always, we welcome and would love you to email us about anything! So hit us at

-The We're Friends! Podcast

Friday, June 12, 2009


Couldn't think of a topic, so I thought I'd try a free-write...just JAAAAM on it MAAAAN. When I was living in Boulder (that's a city in Colorado) I came across a lot of street performers. It was weird. Cool, I guess, but weird. Three-piece didjeridoo band right next to me while I try to eat sushi. Went to a bar tonight with a friend called "Tokyo Bar". Had a wasabi martini (tasted like licking the inside of a used coffin) and three (!) some-other-kind of drink that had plum wine and peach liqueur in it. I just smacked my fingertips with my lips that drink was so good. Had amazing plum wine at an Ethiopian restaurant one time. That might be my favorite food. Have you ever had it? Now I'm just making out with my fingertips. I heard that was what Eric Clapton did before he started playing. One time I was at a live event with my father. He's a radio personality so, as a child, I would often go on live remotes with him. Golf courses and car dealerships and restaurants. We were at some farm way out deep in upstate New York. My father and his co-host were going to give away a few copies of the new Eric Clapton album called "Reptile" and they said whoever brought down a reptile would get a cd. About an hour later these two kids came out of nowhere carrying a worm and a tiny snake yelling "he's got the lawyer and i've got the doctor! he's got the lawyer and i've got the doctor"...a few moments later their mother strolled up, snatched a copy of the cd and walked the kids to a car, drove away. My head hurts and fashionable children creep me out.  

Monday, June 8, 2009

Episode 24: Vany, Ladder, Love

Hell yeah Episode 24! Who's excited?! I KNOW WE ARE BECAUSE WE RECORDED IT AND STUFF. Hopefully you people are excited for it too. Please be excited.


We talk about:

James being a bigot!
A great email we got!
And how The We're Friends! Podcast is going to be HOSTING A CONCERT!


Date: Sunday, June 28, 2009
Time: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Street: 224 South Johnston Avenue
City/Town: Trenton, NJ

This concert is brought to you buy the DIF Record Label, one that we fully support! It's going to be a lot of fun people, tons of great artists that We're Friends! loves will be playing, please try to make it!

Songs discussed:

by Engineer - James' choice (Click Tremors on the player)
Lady Sniff by Butthole Surfers - Dash's choice

Click the song title links to listen to the songs and the band name links to learn all about the bands!


"The Wise Toad" - Black Pus
"Steady as She Goes" - Shellac
"Copafeelia" - Imperial Teen
"Pass the Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind" - Yo La Tengo

Stuff we want to hear from YOU:

What's your favorite Pixar movie?
Dad/food/Supermarket stories
Do you belong to a specific faith?

Here is the trailer to the new Pixar film, "Up"


And here is the "24" sketch from Mr. Show:


As always, we welcome and would love you to email us about anything! So hit us at

-The We're Friends! Podcast

Saturday, June 6, 2009

"Don't worry about the screen too, it's still good!"

So you know that MTV show "Cribs"? The one where a camera crew goes into a celebrity's house and scopes it out and shows the world all of their neat stuff. The fancy cars, the huge television, the lavishness and luxury. Well my favorite episode of this show is when it comes to Redman's (Of Wu-Tang Clan fame) house. Not because of all the cool stuff he has, but more because of what he doesn't have. So go ahead, watch. You'll enjoy it.


Now playing: Clint Mansell - Xibalba

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Show Tweets - 6/01/09


7:35pm - Arrived at venue for Rosetta show. Looked empty. Went to shady pharmacy. Bought ear plugs and chocolate pretzel rod. Tasted stale.

7:37 - Outside of venue. Limp Bizkit is playing inside. Nonono :[

7:44 - Two guys outside venue talking about school: "I got kicked out in the 7th grade." "I got kicked out in the 10th."

7:45 - South Jersey makes me sad\amused.

7:46 - Ok Rosetta is here. This is good.

7:49 - Filter is playing now. Things are looking up\worse!

8:09 - Really happy that I brought a book.

8:15 - Tomahawk is playing now!

8:26 - The entire self-tilted album by Tomahawk playing on the PA and a nature show on the Discovery Channel on the TVs. Coolest bar ever.

8:36 - "Autumn is not a time for sharing." - Narrator of the nature show.

9:08 - First band is all older dudes. Sounds like Motorhead's rock and roll songs.

9:11 - Stiffest bassist ever. It's like once they start playing, his feet are stapled to the floor.

9:24 - The ear plugs work very well.

9:28 - Rosetta is up next. If East of the Wall plays after them, I'm leaving early.

10:31 - Bleh. East of the Wall is going to play last. I think I'm gonna head out. Rosetta was worth the ten bucks.

10:52 - Decided to go to the beach since it's like a minute from the bar. Took socks\shoes off, rolled up jeans, they got wet anyhow. Who cares. :)

11:06 - Got to car,took off jeans, about to drive home barefoot\pantsless.


Now playing: The New Pornographers - Myriad Harbour

Monday, June 1, 2009

Episode 23: Questions, Long Distance, Prom



We talk about:

Dash having a girlfriend! (?!?!?!?!)
James dressing like an idiot on purpose!
More news on the kid who has cancer, but he and his family didn't want treatment!

Songs discussed:
(NOTE: We got a song suggestion by a listener, so for our second song of the week we picked one NEITHER of us had heard before. Neat!)

Bebikukorica Nigiri
by Venetian Snares - Listener Gideon's choice
Microphone Fiend by Eric B. & Rakim - We're Friends! choice

Click the song title links to listen to the songs and the band name links to learn all about the bands!


Andrew Bird - "Imitosis"
The Distillers - "The Gallow Is God"
Fuck Buttons - "Ribs Out"
The Pillows - "Shiroi Natsu to Midori na Jitensha, Akai Kami to Kuroi Gitaa"

Stuff we want to hear from YOU:

Supermarket stories
Dad Stories
Fast food/restaurant stories
Thoughts on long-distance relationships
Whether or not you belong to a specific faith

Here's the "Chemo Boy" scene from The Kids in the Hall Movie "Brain Candy":


As always, we welcome and would love you to email us about anything! So hit us at

-The We're Friends! Podcast