Wednesday, March 11, 2009

When Forgetfulness Brings Death

There are certain things that could happen to us which are almost unimaginable. Our houses burning down, family members being kidnapped, someone we love being raped. But for most people, parents specifically, the worst thing that could possibly happen is having your child die. But then there is something worse. Something undeniably more horrendous.

And that is accidentally killing your own child.

We've all heard the story, someone leaves their kid in the car on a hot day while they go and run errands. Maybe they get caught up in what they're doing, maybe they forgot the kid was in the car. Maybe they thought that they already dropped off the child where they were supposed to.

And then they come back and realize that the worst thing possible has just happened.

I know our podcast and blog is usually pretty light and funny (hopefully), but this phenomenon is very interesting and so extreme that I wanted to link a very well-done article on it in the Washington Post.

Click here.

(Thanks to Morgan for showing this to me!)


Now playing: Clint Mansell - Finish It

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