Saturday, November 22, 2008


Hands up if the opening credits to the Showtime series DEXTER makes you hungry and jealous!

(My hand is up.)

It took me a little while to get on the Dexter train, but I'm super glad I finally did. In case you're unfamiliar...Dexter is a forensic blood analyst for the Miami Police Department. Dexter is also a serial killer who only kills serial killers.

I am no supporter of violent vigilantism (aside from the Punisher and the Batman), but what I enjoy about this program is that isn't portrayed as a hero. The second season actually involves him using an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to work through his "addiction".

Well, without rambling too much, Dexter is a fascinating television show that is only more involving because of its stellar cast and writing.



The Bandy's said...

Is that the same guy who played the gay brother on 'Six Feet Under'?

James said...

Yes! Only in this one he's a serial killer, cmon, you'd love this!