Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lend me your fears.

FEAR AGENT is an  amazing comic book.

What does that image say to you?  The words it brings to my mind are: space, adventure, aliens, babes, hero.  All that sounds awesome, yes?  The words this image leaves out however, are: depression, alcoholism, existentialism, pathos.

FEAR AGENT is a book about Heath Huston.  Heath goes on crazy fucking adventures throughout space and blasts things with ray-guns and says super funny things while doing it.  He also won't stop drinking because his life is horrible.  I don't want to give too much away, but Rick Remender writes this book and he's brilliant, so you should check it out too.  Also, Jerome Opena & Tony Moore do the art and they're SO talented and make this thing POP with fun scenes and crazy looking creatures and big action.

The unfortunate side note is that this book has been cancelled, but every story is available in trade paperback and there is an OMNIBUS coming soon.  PLUS, there are rumors that a movie is happening.  PLEASE check out and support FEAR AGENT.


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