Thursday, December 24, 2009


Here in New Jersey, we recently had a small blizzard and the snow hasn't melted just yet. It's also Christmas Eve, and I got to thinking about this time of year, and what stuff reminds me of it. Lots of us have things we attach to winter, memories, books, food. Here's a few things for me that go really well with winter.

Blankets by Craig Thompson

Blankets is an autobiographical graphic novel that revolves around the author's life at two points, when he was in middle school and when he was nearing the end of high school. He writes/draws about his relationships with his family, specifically his brother and also of his first love. Almost all of the book takes place in winter, which makes curling up with this book in December yourself even more satisfying. It's a coming-of-age/love story, but it also delves into the idea of faith, specifically of a Christian sort. It's a sad, yet warm book and you should buy it.

Die Hard

The ultimate Christmas action movie. John McClane is an NYC cop in LA and now some goddamned terrorists have taken Nakatomi Plaza, the building his wife is in. He's gotta walk over broken glass in his bare feet, deal with incompetant cops on the outside, all the while trying to save his marriage. Here's the (fucking) short version:

At the Heart of Winter by Immortal

This is THE black metal band. They may not have created the genre, they may not be the best within the genre, but Immortal defines black metal. Grim, frostbitten, tr00 and kvlt, these guys love telling you about ice, snow and other cold things while wearing corpse paint and shin guards. When you listen to this album, you better put on a coat! Here's my favorite song of it:

Go sledding!


Now playing: Pig Destroyer - Alexandria

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