Friday, May 29, 2009

"Pressure Cooker"

I was supposed to be part of a short film shoot today, but it was canceled for one reason or another. So, instead, I decided to spend the day in "the city". That is, New York City. I bought the fourth trade (volume) of the great comic "Scalped", bought a book for a dollar ("Warrior King"), and bought two shirts that were on sale (Beastie Boys and Die Hard with a Vengeance). The main reason I went into NYC though was to see a movie.

"But James!", I hear you cry, "You can see movies anywhere you big dummy!" First off, watch your mouth. Secondly, NYC has a lot of movies being shown that aren't being screened in NJ, and sometimes nowhere else in the US except for LA. Have you ever seen a documentary not filmed by Michael Moore or starring a celebrity (Al Gore counts) in a theater before? This is changing gradually, but if I want to see obscure films, documentaries and other off-beat stuff, I go to da big apple OH FUGGHEDABOUTIT.

Anyway, the movie I went to see was "Pressure Cooker".

I saw a poster for it at some point in the last few weeks and learned that it was about some kids learning how to cook in a Culinary Arts class an urban area/school. It follows a class of students for a year, but focuses on three students particularly and the teacher. I love watching anything to do with food or cooking, maybe because my dad's a chef, so I wanted to see it.

I loved it! It was warm, interesting, suspenseful and funny! It was a really nice movie. And as a treat, the directors, a famous chef, a student and the teacher herself were there. It was very nice.

Now, the directors asked for the audience to help spread the word about the film, so that is actually what I am doing. HAH, IT WAS ALL A TRICK. But really, if you can, see this movie. It's special. The website also has a petition to call upon Congress to fund the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act at no less than $1.7 billion in Fiscal Year 2010. What that means is increased funding for technical, career and vocational education. Sign it!

Here's the trailer:



Now playing: Ceremony - You're All the Same

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