Friday, May 8, 2009


Hey, so I like webcomics a lot right? I've made 3 posts about them and junk. Well this post IS about a webcomic sorta, but not really.

There's this webcomic called "Dinosaur Comics" and it's really good and made by this Canadian dude named Ryan North. Every comic looks exactly the same, six panels of a T-Rex smashing things, while seeing a Utahraptor and a Dromiceiomimus and talking about all sorts of things. The words change, but nothing else does. Here's a sample:


There is a website that lets you to "remix" the comic. As in, panels from all of the comics mix with each other! This allows for accidental hilarity of the best kind! Let me show you some great ones that came up for me:

You can create comics with 2, 3 or even all 6 panels! How fun! If you'd like to do your own, PLEASE CLICK.


Now playing: Acid Bath - The Bones of Baby Dolls

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