Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Webcomics: Part 4

I've been rereading some of my favorite comics. As mentioned on the podcast, I've been (and just finished) reading Preacher again, and once I had finished I started rereading Concrete, which probably is my favorite comic of all time.

So, once a week or so, I go through all my webcomics that I read and catch up. Others make sure to read them whenever they individually update, but I like it better this way for some reason. Just taking 45 minutes and going through all these wonderful comics via Webternet.

I got to one and thought, man this webcomic is really REALLY good. I should go to the first one and reread the whole series up to the present! (as opposed to up to the future?) For some reason I never have done this with a webcomic before.

The webcomic discussed is SUPER MEGA, seen here:


Some information from the SUPER MEGA site:

SUPER MEGA was started February 2004. Everything on this site is made by me, Brett Brimmer- AKA "Johnny Smash". I'm 21 years old and in college. I live in Tucson, Arizona.

How I would describe SUPER MEGA is stick figures acting crazy and irrational in a crazy and irrational universe that is very yellow. There is no continuity except for very rare occasions (see: PLANET TO THE MOON storyline) and a few recurring characters such as Funky Man and Head is a Dinosaur.

Usually though the comic just has people saying very ridiculous things to one another. And the dialogue is usually hilarious and very weird. The most recent SUPER MEGA had someone saying, "RONALD HENRY GEORGE YOU'VE TIED TWO BEARS TOGETHER, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE". And a few panels later, we do indeed see two bears tied together. It seems that Mr. Brimmer/"Smash" really enjoys the surreal and making it hilarious and thank goodness for that. This is a webcomic that produces hilarity with every new strip.

And the art works! The art totally fits. If I saw this comic with really detailed and colorful art, it would seem like a lot of other non-continuity webcomics. With the stick figures and yellow background, it makes everything seem even MORE weird. And somehow SOMEHOW, the really simplistic facial expressions makes everything seem that much funnier.


So if you enjoy weird comedy, stories about horses, robots, planets and other stuff, PLEASE check this out. It is super super funny. No relationship drama between characters, no inside jokes, no psuedo-intellectualism, no bullshit. Just a really fun time.


Now playing: Toroidh - V

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