Saturday, August 22, 2009


How important to you are lyrics in the music you listen to? The main focus? Irrelevant? Somewhere in between? For me it depends on the band or artist. With some music, the vocals are just another sound in the melody (or cacophony). And with other music, the lyrics absolutely kill me (in a good way).

Lyrics in music can be equated to poetry if you want to generalize. Rhyming sentences that tell a story, describe emotions, or whatever. However, like poetry, the "rules" of writing lyrics are only followed by some. If you want to have a top 40 hit, make your lyrics rhyme and have a catchy beat that's in tune with the music. If not, do what you want I guess.

Let's take a look at some bands and their different styles or lyricism:

Band/Artist: Devin Townsend
Song: The Death of Music (6:00 onward)

Don't die on me
Don't go away
When I need you here
In my need

A very simple passage, but Mr. Townsend sings these words with such passion and created such epic music around them that it feels like a divine aria, if you're into that sort of thing. And the words themselves are so succinct, but so genuine. This is what every person wishes of their loved one. This selection can make me cry every time.

Band/Artist: The Paper Chase
Song: I am Going to Spend the Rest of My Life Lying

You better mind your p's and q's and
You better thank your lucky stars, this
the bigger fish ain't made a meal out of you.
I'm drinking wine I didn't squeeze out of you cause

I'm a swinging axe.
I'm a baseball bat.
I'm a cudgel sort,
and I'm a quick reply,
a fast retort.

The Paper Chase have absolutely brilliant lyrics. Their songs are full of metaphors, catchphrases and all sorts of spot-on rhyming. If I found out that they all had PhDs in romantic poetry and political science I wouldn't be surprised at all. These guys are dark band and spend a lot of the time singing about revenge and spite. But instead of going "You broke my heart so fuck you!" they use imaginative and haunting words to tell their stories.

Band/Artist: Andrew W.K.
Song: Totally Stupid (3:38 onward)

When we find ourselves in trouble
We can find ourselves a way
You can find a place to stay
And the place is always safe

If you have a heart that's in pain
Don't be afraid
You're not to blame
There's a better world inside of us
Where we always thought it was
You don't need to hide
You can open up your eyes

Now Andrew W.K. might be known for partying "hard" as it were, but the man (in my eyes) is a god-damned genius. He exudes positivity and joy. These lyrics also showcase a talent of treading the line between the blunt and the poetic, lyrics-wise. The sentences are very straightforward, but what he's actually telling you is introspective and warm. Every time I hear "You don't need to hide" I want to hug the whole world.

Band/Artist: Jesu
Song: Sun Day (4:32 onward)

You're my heart.
You're my heart.
You're my heart.
You're my heart.

What is this? The dumbest, most unorginal lyrics ever? Maybe to you. But maybe you're like me, and you hear the strain in Justin Broadrick's voice, trying to tell whoever he's telling how much they mean to him. Without them, his heart, he will die. This is what I hear.

Band/Artist: Neurosis
Song: Burn (3:01 onward)

this world of cold stone gives nothing in return
to those who sleep while the restless burn
there are the few driven to flame
most are content to drown in the wake of dreams

the trail lies overgrown
across the years fade out of light
ever growing dim to an age in the dark
grasp from your soul a don't let it steal your eyes

Neurosis is a depressing and intense band to say the least. Their songs are rife with imaginative lyrics that can be interpreted in all sorts of ways. What these words mean to you could, and probably will, mean something completely different to me. Their lyrics are dark and surrealist paintings, allowing you to create your own story around them.

Band/Artist: Zimmer's Hole (with special guest Nathan Explosion of Dethklok)
Song: The Vowel Song

A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes
Y are you wasting my air?
Why are you still here?
Why must I tolerate, no debate, eliminate!
A, E, I, O, U... SUCK... SUCK!

Best lyrics in the world.


Now playing: Cult of Luna - Back to Chapel Town

1 comment:

joe said...

I would describe it as an invisible darkness/
Casting a shadow, a blinding black/
Guarded by hope, my soul is kept from
The bloody claws