Saturday, August 1, 2009


So I wonder if any of you remember THIS POST, where I spoke of jewelry inspired by black metal. Well, I have something to post about that is relevant to that post! There is a Norwegian clothing company called "Anti Sweden" (the name is apparently "a tongue-in-cheek style statement against better-known jeans brands from neighbouring Sweden" ref) whose main product are pair of black jeans. Not just ANY black jeans though, oh no no. These jeans are frostbitten, they are kvlt and troo, they are GRIM. Why don't we take a look at a commercial for them?


That song in the background is a Sunn O))) tune called "O)))BOW1" which was a collaboration between the band and (in)famous noise artist Merzbow off the album "Flight of the Behemoth". This company is obviously going for a black metal vibe, which is shown through some of the photos they have on their site:

Wolves! AWOOOOOO!!

You see there, the inside of the pockets have rather "dark" designs on them done by Justin Bartlett, who's worked with Aura Noir, Gorgoroth, Trap Them, Dodheimsgard, among other bands. (One of the sections on his site is called "Killustration!)

Look, I guess I'm going to have to come to terms with black metal being fashionable. Maybe I'll get some highlights in my hair, put on my corpse-paint and go to Soho for a gallery opening and drink wine coolers while wearing my spiked gauntlets. If you can't kill 'em join 'em? NO, YOU JUST TRY TO KILL THEM HARDER! FOR ODIIIIIIIINNN!!!

(Thanks to Megan [via twitter] for showing me this!)


Now playing: Windir - Resurrection of the Wild

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