Saturday, October 10, 2009


Brazil is a land of extremes. Shit goes down and off so hardcore there, your puny non-Brazilian mind can't even handle it. I'd like to take this opportunity to share with you some things I've learned in my travels down there. Things that may seem ordinary...until they've been BRAZILIFIED!

You've eaten meat before, right? Unless you've been a vegetarian/vegan/lunatic your entire life, then of course you've eaten meat before. Well, prepare to shut the fuck up, because you've never eaten meat, until you've had it Brazil style.

Meat swords! Slay your own heart and/or colon!

Waxing is a painful process that people do because blahblah BLAHZIL.

Getting a Brazilian wax is pretty much like dealing with anything else Brazilian. You go in expecting something normal and you leave stripped, looking like a child and crying.

The traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu is literally referred to as "the art of softness".

Look at that mustache! Brazilian mustache.

-Brazilian Dash

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