Thursday, October 15, 2009

Video Madness

SO who doesn't like watching stuff on the internet huh?! I know I surely do! Well, my buddy Dash showed me this crazy/great video the other day, take a look!


My god. The person who created this atrocity/work of art is named Cyriak (he says that's his real name) and is "a freelance animator based near Brighton, UK. I use adobe photoshop and after effects for most of my animations, and have worked on a wide variety of commercial projects, from tv advertising to channel idents to music videos." He's also a musician, most if not all the music you hear in his work was created by him. His work is odd and usually funny.. Let's take a look at some of his other stuff!

Here's a video showing the inner-workings of my favorite chef, Gordon Ramsay:


Here's Cyriak showing what he does to people who have fun:


And here's his head!:


If you want to know more about this person or even hire him, go to his WEBSITE.


Now playing: Wu-Tang Clan - Wolves

1 comment:

Dashiell Coombs said...

Full credit for that cat video must go to my gurrrrrrlfraaaaaand who showed it to me.